Frazer Holmes life coaching services is built around the founding philosophy of its founders, Robert Holmes and Jaemin Frazer. Based in Australia, Frazer Holmes life coaching is very light on jargon, terms of art, and technical terms. It is, however, heavy on its pursuit of results.
The core idea animating the philosophy of Frazer Holmes Coaching is the power of how a person thinks. Simply put, Frazer Holmes operates from the core truth that if one wants to change the results he or she is getting, one has to change his or her thoughts. Our external world is a reflection of our internal world. As the old saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results each time. This life coaching firm likewise applies a radical approach to life changes and life management: if you want to change the results you’re getting, you need to change the way you think.
Frazer Holmes’ Founders’ Background
An accredited and certified coach and mentor, Robert Holmes has over twenty years of professional experience, ranging from accounting, coaching, auditing, and fraud detection, to journalism, tourism, and hospitality. His breadth of experience working for a wide range of organizations and working with many different individuals, as well as his focus on the science of human performance enhancement and behavioral management, has given him the depth of experience corporate and individual clients need from a truly professional life coach.
A published author in the field of life coaching and spirituality, Jaemin Frazer’s experiences and personal focus on life transformation and personal performance enhancement has made him a sought after one-on-one as well as group resource for life coaching groups and group seminars. He has over 15 years of experience in the field of life coaching.
Frazer Holmes Service Offerings
Frazer Holmes offers a very wide range of life coaching services. From the standard one-on-one personal coaching to business coaching and organizational performance coaching, Frazer Holmes covers all areas that are typically demanded by people looking for life coaching. What makes Frazer Holmes different from the typical life coaching service provider or agency is that this company offers life coaching training. And this isn’t just any typical coaching training done on an informal level, you can actually become accredited when you are trained by them. Successful graduates receive an ICF accredited coach training program certificate.
The Benefits Offered by Frazer Holmes Coaching Services
Whether you are trying to get out of an organizational performance rut or you’re tired of settling for mediocre results in your professional life, Frazer Holmes offers professional performance coaching programs that can help you get the results you want. Unlike traditional organizational performance therapy, Frazer Holmes offers a forward looking method that gives program participants both proactive goals as well as specific thought processing-based methods that enable them to reach those goals.
From higher sales, better company cohesion, or faster company growth, the coaching services offered by Frazer Holmes enable organizations of all sizes to achieve their corporate goals, starting at the individual level.
Here are some selected Frazer Holmes testimonials:
Matt Randell
Just wanted to check in and say that this 3 days of coach training and development was some of the best training for life coaching I have done. If your looking at becoming a professional coach, I highly recommend FrazerHolmes training. Life changing. Thanks for sharing the journey. M
Jacinta Ojwang
What a life changing experience!
The 3 day foundation course has not only been wonderful professional development but has also been life changing within my own personal development. Learning incredible skills that I can apply to my everyday life. I’m so grateful for the incredible opportunity. I can’t wait to start the 12 week course 🙂
Trisha Roche
Thank you for such an inspiring and dynamic presentation of the coach training! It far exceeded my expectations!! And was so refreshing, informative, enlightening and encouraging!! I found the training to be exactly what I need right now, so thank God for the opportunity to work towards a better version of myself and understand my recent challenges. Thank you Jaemin!! It was fantastic to meet you!! –
Paul Dixon
“Surprisingly brilliant content and delivery. Far exceeded already high expectations. So many incredible insights and tools that I had never come across before even though I have been coaching for years.”
Sean Reid
I’ve sat through a lot of training in my life and what you just delivered here was world class.
Working with corporate, institutional, and individual clients (through its HOPE program), Frazer Holmes offers a very principled, focused, and targeted approach to the often confusing project of life management and behavior modification. Using practical methods, it has developed a reputation and track record for delivering on one key fundamental factor of life coaching: change the way you look at things and you change the results you get. If you have an organization that needs to improve its performance, or you are in the doldrums in your personal life, you might want to get in touch with Frazer Holmes to receive the personalized, results-focused coaching you need to achieve objectives you thought were out of your reach.