Our main objective here at the National Coach Academy is to enable aspiring coaches to reach their full professional potential. One of the most effective ways to educate students about the world of coaching is by offering them a window into the world of real, practicing coaches and showing them all the different ways coaches make a difference in the lives of their clients.
We hope today’s interview adds another insightful glimpse into the dynamic world of coaching.
Today we are interviewing Shay Owens. Shay is a Certified Life and Relationship Coach. She is the owner of Coaching by the Word.
NCA: Can you describe your coaching practice and the kinds of clients you typically work with?
Shay: The foundation of my coaching practice is to hold the client accountable for the changes they tell me they want to make, the goals they set whether it is professional or personal. I work with clients who feel stuck in the familiar darkness, can’t heal from brokenness which is preventing them from setting and achieving goals.
I use a term frequently in my sessions “Feel, Deal, Heal” the clients will never be able to heal from something they aren’t willing to feel or deal with. People must connect with how they feel about situations or circumstances in order to fully understand their reaction or lack thereof to it. As a coach I never fluff around with my clients, meaning if they are feeding me bull, I call them out on it. What I do is more than just coach, it is a ministry of healing and growth.
NCA: What initially got you interested in this career path and what kind of degree or certifications did you need to complete, if any?
Shay: I did receive a certification from an accredited school, but only after a year of me coaching. I understood that it wasn’t having a piece of paper that was driving me, but my passion behind why I wanted to get into the business. I decided to get into coaching especially in the area of healing, because I was so broken from relationships and the connections I was making. I wasn’t setting realistic goals for myself, therefore always feeling unfulfilled in life. Being a single mother of 4 after 2 failed marriages was very difficult. I was on anti-depressants for so long and even battled with thoughts of suicide. If only someone had taken the time out to talk to me, I could have healed long ago, so when I say what I do is a ministry that is exactly what I mean.
If there is an area that is broken or misguided in your life, working with me as a coach, helps you get down to the bottom line as to the why behind it, while at the same time setting realistic goals and helping you unblock the mindset of clients which will help them first move beyond what’s stopping them into achieving their goals, again that can be both on a personal and/or professional level.
If you are struggling, find yourself someone who will continue to push you and someone you can bounce your ideas and thoughts off of. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. You are uniquely qualified to do this.
NCA: What is the most rewarding part of your career and on the flip side, what is the most challenging aspect of the work that you do?
Shay: The most rewarding part of it, is seeing full transformation, or even the ah ha moment the clients have. When I complete the consultations, the clients who book with me further are making a decision that A I can be trusted with their most vulnerable moments, and B that they will actually move forward in life.
The most challenging part for me at times is having a steady amount of clients at ALL times and also knowing I want to help someone, but they don’t want it in that moment, so seeing them run from it is hard for me, because again it’s not just about the dollar but about the ministry. Also, just keeping myself mentally and spiritually correct, making sure that my home with my husband and children remain a safe place for all of us as well. No ministry will ever begin in the streets, but it begins at home.
NCA: Can you think of a mentor who was most vital to your success as a coach? In what ways did this mentor help you to thrive in your career?
Shay: I love, love, love listening to Sarah Jakes Roberts, who is a preacher, and all thought I’ve never met her in person (yet), when she speaks it ministers to my soul. I receive a renewing in my spirit that keeps me moving forward in the times that are the most difficult. Being a coach, it is imperative that you keep yourself whole. For me showing up and showing out for my clients is key. I must be whole mentally, physically, and spiritually for my clients. So prayer, fasting, and staying in the word helps keep me in order.
NCA: Finally, what advice would you give someone looking to get started in the career path that you chose?
Shay: Make sure that you have a passion for why you are doing it. If it is for the money, you may not be as successful. You must ensure that you are practicing what you preach. Remember everyone doesn’t want to be helped and that is okay, you continue to do what you are called of God to do. Don’t allow anyone to discourage you in anyway, mentally you are going to have doubts, that is when your WHY will come into play. If you are struggling, find yourself someone who will continue to push you and someone you can bounce your ideas and thoughts off of. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. You are uniquely qualified to do this. I also work with new coaches or someone who wants to be a coach, helping them set goals and achieve their goals.
Shay Owens
Certified Life & Relationship Coach
Author, Motivation Speaker,
Podcast, Radio & TV Host
Coaching by the Word
(313) 459-5613 & (313) 364-8477