The professional coach behind the Growing Forward coaching service is a former youth pastor. This fact alone should give anyone looking for solid and effective coaching services reasons to be hopeful. Youth pastors help teenagers and young adults resolve personal issues and develop effective new attitudes as well as address attitudes and mindsets that may be holding them back. Best of all, youth pastors are trained to reach people on an emotional level in a ‘real’ and personal way without the often off-putting ‘clinical’ ambiance of professional psychotherapy or other more formal types of counseling.
Besides the training of the person behind Growing Forward, Scott Asai, what makes this particular coaching service interesting is that it focuses on a holistic ‘meaning-based’ approach to personal coaching. We all need a sense of meaning. We all need a sense of purpose. In fact, if we’re all honest, we can all trace our issues to how this deep and fundamental need is, or is not, being met in our lives.
The second element that makes Growing Forward stand apart from typical life coaching programs is its focus on efficiency. Normally, ‘life coaching’ and ‘efficiency’ aren’t mentioned in the same sentence, or even the same paragraph, unless, of course, the discussion is about work performance or other performance-oriented focus. Scott Asai’s decidedly pro-efficiency emphasis makes Growing Forward a very promising option for people looking for actual results from their life coaching sessions.
Professional Background of Growing Forward
Scott Asai, the professional behind Growing Forward, was trained as a youth pastor. Accordingly, he would know all about guiding people through their issues in a non-intimidating and non-confusing way. His training has prepared him to know all about setting a reassuring environment for individuals to share what ails them and, more importantly, be open to the ideas that they need to work on and incorporate into their lives so they can live more fulfilled and happier lives.
Growing Forward Coaching Services
Growing Forward focuses on three key areas: work-life fulfillment, mental domination for athletic purposes, and career improvement. By setting out its service coverage areas this way, Growing Forward addresses the three most common areas people need guidance in. This focus on common needs highlights Growing Forward’s focus on delivering coaching services in an efficient results-oriented manner. This service’s coaching methodologies involve visualization, success habit formation, and targeted coaching (career coaching in addition to life coaching, as needed).
Growing Forward Testimonial
“Scott was a huge part of getting me unstuck. I was burnt out when I reached out and he helped me rediscover and appreciate my strengths, values, and passions. He had an uncanny ability to pinpoint issues and ask questions in a way that brought me face-to-face with them to resolve it. Each week, he balanced meeting me where I was, with pushing me to ensure progress.
What I’m most grateful for was how he equipped me to almost coach myself and be self-sufficient in this stage of my life. It wasn’t just about keeping me on-track with tasks, but addressing the issues and thinking habits that interfered with where I wanted to go.” – Stephanie, Los Angeles
Growing Forward Coaching Service Cost
Service costs range from $699 for career change coaching all the way to the $3000 Mental Domination one on one coaching, which lasts 90 days. Travel costs are not included in these figures.
What I personally like about the Growing Forward system’s overall philosophy and service delivery style is the focus on accountability. It’s too easy for the coaching process to revolve around the client’s needs and make the client feel good. It is too easy for the coaching service to deteriorate into a glorified ‘babysitting’ service for the client’s ego. Growing Forward doesn’t do this. Instead, it challenges clients to be who they want to be and expects them to be accountable for results. Refreshing!