Our main objective here at the National Coach Academy is to enable aspiring coaches to reach their full professional potential. One of the most effective ways to educate students about the world of coaching is by offering them a window into the world of real, practicing coaches and showing them all the different ways coaches make a difference in the lives of their clients.
We hope today’s interview adds another insightful glimpse into the dynamic world of coaching.
Today we are interviewing Freedom Gale. Freedom is a Life Coach and Author based in Auburn, WA.
NCA: Can you describe your coaching practice and the kinds of clients you typically work with?
Freedom: My coaching practice evolves around my Five Core Pathways to Personal Freedom; Spiritual, Emotional, Religious, Physical and Financial Freedom. I’ve learned we all need a healthy balance in each one of these areas to have a happy and healthy existence. Because of my past which includes being abandoned at age 12, sexually abused by my Dad, tossed to and from different foster care homes, drug addiction and raising 5 children alone.., I tend to work with clients with similar paths. People who feel worthless, unlovable, alone in the world and lost. I’ve always felt unworthy. Those feelings of not been good enough to really be loved caused me to struggle in life; especially launching a Speaking/Coaching Career which is very public. I assume that others like me struggle with the same self-esteem issues.
That’s why I define myself as a Transformational Speaker because, like me, my ideal client needs a complete transformation.
NCA: What initially got you interested in this career path and what kind of degree or certifications did you need to complete, if any?
Freedom: Prior to becoming a life coach I worked as an Addiction Counselor 14 years on the East and West Coast. You see, in spite of all of my many life challenges I’ve always been driven to succeed. I became ill after some years and had to take some time off. I actually was burnt out and stressed out from single parenting while growing up myself at the same time. It was rough because I was a bit dysfunctional.
So, I made sure I learned the proper way to help people. As I was recovering from physical exhaustion, emotional fatigue, religious abuse etc. Life Coaching was gaining momentum and I was intrigued. Working with Addicts and Addiction Counseling is not for the faint at heart. It was then I began looking into Life Coaching.
I investigated several online programs, many that were too expensive for me finally my eldest daughter who is a very bright young lady suggested I look on UDEMY. Fortunately for me when I looked they were having a sale and many of the Courses were $10. I was able to get a good Coaching Program completed it and got a certificate. It was not an easy course. I imagined that If I didn’t have a counseling background I would have quit. I also got an NLP course there but still working on completing that one. Additionally, I have 6 years of college on top of it. I hold a BA in Christian Ministries and an AS in Drug and Alcohol Counseling. I obtained my degrees while raising my five children alone working full time and holding demanding church roles.
My coaching practice evolves around my Five Core Pathways to Personal Freedom; Spiritual, Emotional, Religious, Physical and Financial Freedom. I’ve learned we all need a healthy balance in each one of these areas to have a happy and healthy existence.
NCA: What is the most rewarding part of your career and on the flip side, what is the most challenging aspect of the work that you do?
Freedom: Of course, the most rewarding part is helping others heal. The challenging part is getting clients that are vested enough in themselves to complete the program thoroughly.
NCA: Can you think of mentor who was most vital to your success as a coach? In what ways did this mentor help you to thrive in your career?
Freedom: Iyanla Vanzant looked like me, has a similar life path. I’d watch her on TV and say, that’s what I would say or I could do that. I thought Iyanly stole my life. Lol. Oprah tool Only they are forerunners I look up to including Mya Angelo. They don’t know they are my mentors. I actually would still love to take Iyanla’s Coaching program one day. I studied these women day in and day out. They are true of emulation and are all very inspiring. I hope to be as inspiring to others someday and humbly believe I will be.
NCA: Finally, what advice would you give someone looking to get started in the career path that you chose?
Freedom: Not to give up. Make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons because it can be tough at times. Clients can be tough at times. My last coaching client made me almost quit she was very challenging. I actually stopped working with her but she wouldn’t leave me alone so after praying and seeking advice I continued helping her.
Iyanla tells people like it is; I kinda try and go around the back door and lead them into seeing their own inadequacies. My last client taught me I had to be tougher and when I was tougher and direct in pointing out her character flaws, bluntly like Iyanla, our relationship turned the corner. She’s called me a couple of times for help with her 5 now 6 children and I bought them all Christmas gifts this past Christmas.
When she told me she needed me still I struggled. Three months or so went by when I didn’t help anyone. I called my mentor, talked my husbands’ ears off, lost a lot of sleep but remembered this is why I’m here. I probably would have quit if I hadn’t gone back and completed her treatment plan. She and her partner were my clients and I used both my Counseling and Coaching background to address their many needs for nearly one year.